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Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Fringe Hours (and what you should be watching right now)

Hello friends! I hope life (and this winter weather) have been treating you well! Here in the Starr Casa, we have been juggling the usual joys and challenges of work, kids, preparing for Shabbos, and trying to have some fun in between:)

I was fortunate to receive an advance copy of The Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner to read, and it came at just the right time.

The book is about the need to create space for things that you love. It's interesting because this has always been really important to me, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only one. Take Fridays--I have the day off and my kids have daycare, so I generally take time for myself then. Each week, I stop at a local coffee shop and settle in with a latte and a book, if only for a few stolen minutes. I also love meeting up with friends for coffee and hanging out, but those quiet moments to read on a busy Friday are vital to me. Sometimes, I'll run into an acquaintance who is in awe of the fact that I'm sitting and relaxing--and it makes me wonder if I'm unusual for needing that mental space, or if we ALL need that sometimes but don't allow ourselves permission.

Reading this book totally reaffirmed my efforts in carving out space for the things that make me feel engaged, passionate, and deeply me.

(Note: While this is a Christian book and contains occasional religious language, it's really pretty neutral and can fit a variety of different situations.)

Speaking of other important things, my little sis helped create a short movie about the dangers of texting and driving: watch it below!  I'm so proud of her!

As part of a project, my sister and her friends have set up a pledge to avoid texting and driving--go and sign HERE!

Even though texting and driving is often presented as a "teen issue" I think it's SO important for all of us to keep in mind. In the age of the iPhone, when it takes enormous self control to avoid checking constant messages, we all have to remember the times to stop, put the phone away, and focus on something else more important.

Interestingly, both of these pieces come back to one thing: TIME, and how to use it. May we all use it safely and intentionally.

What is taking up YOUR time today?


  1. I loved the Fringe Hours, too! It was exactly what I needed to hear. Today, I'm spending some quiet time while my son naps blogging. And reading is also on my list when I can find some more fringe moments. Blessings on your Friday!

  2. I'm one of those people who really needs to take a break and but just never does (at least there's Shabbos to make me slow down). Your Friday ritual sounds so nice!

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