This girl has become quite a character lately.
Her new thing? Making faces.
Sad--a pretty good impression, right?
Mad! Gotta love the furrowed eyebrows.
My personal favorite--surprised! Ellie's favorite, too:)
Of course, she stopped cooperating before we got to happy, but at least I got this:
Ah, the many faces of this funny little girl.
What is entertaining YOU today?

Thursday, May 22, 2014
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
On Being a Working Mother
A few days ago, I came across this article online--You know you are a working mom when...."
When I read it, at first I was a little confused. This doesn't really describe my life, I thought. And if this IS an accurate depiction of someone's real life, day in, day out.....that's sad.
I also felt a bit irritated. Had I read an article like this as a pregnant mom anxious about my upcoming decision--or, heaven forbid, as an emotional new mother flying through my maternity leave--I would have been weeping hysterically. And I possibly would have made different choices because of it.
With those thoughts in mind, I wanted to share some comments to the article from the perspective of another working mom.
You know you are a working mom always feel mediocre. A mediocre mom, a mediocre wife, a mediocre employee, a mediocre friend, daughter, housekeeper, you name it. You want to give 100 percent to everything in your life so you are left feeling like you always come up short.
You know you are a working mom when ...
You always feel mediocre. A mediocre mom, a mediocre wife, a mediocre employee, a mediocre friend, daughter, housekeeper, you name it. You want to give 100 percent to everything in your life so you are left feeling like you always come up short. - See more at:
You always feel mediocre. A mediocre mom, a mediocre wife, a mediocre employee, a mediocre friend, daughter, housekeeper, you name it. You want to give 100 percent to everything in your life so you are left feeling like you always come up short. - See more at:
You know you are a working mom when ...
You always feel mediocre. A mediocre mom, a mediocre wife, a mediocre employee, a mediocre friend, daughter, housekeeper, you name it. You want to give 100 percent to everything in your life so you are left feeling like you always come up short. - See more at:
You always feel mediocre. A mediocre mom, a mediocre wife, a mediocre employee, a mediocre friend, daughter, housekeeper, you name it. You want to give 100 percent to everything in your life so you are left feeling like you always come up short. - See more at:
You know you are a working mom when ...
You always feel mediocre. A mediocre mom, a mediocre wife, a mediocre employee, a mediocre friend, daughter, housekeeper, you name it. You want to give 100 percent to everything in your life so you are left feeling like you always come up short.- See more at:
Do I feel like a mediocre employee? For the most part, no. Yes, there are days when I'm tired/ burnt out/ on week #3 of the arctic vortex and sick of it/ etc., but that was the case before I had kids as well. No one's perfect all of the time.
When I first graduated law school, I took some time off and for the first time in my life, wasn't working or in school, and didn't have kids yet. And yet I still never had enough time! There was always more to do than there was time to do it in. That's always true of life, especially when you have young kids--stay at home or not.
Although I will admit to being a mediocre housekeeper. But I've always been that way. It's just more interesting to spend ten minutes reading that new book I picked up about Amish people than scrubbing gook off the bottom of the oven:)
You know you are a working mom when....You spend the day wondering what your child is doing at daycare while you sit at a desk and spend 8-plus hours with co-workers...
Ok, true confession time. I don't spend my workday mooning over pictures of my kids. Yes, I love my kids. Yes, I think about them. But for most of my work hours, I'm focused, energized, and busy with my work. The hours fly by, and then I look forward to getting to my little ones.
You know you are a working mom when.....You finally get your kids home and instead of sitting down and playing with them you have to prep and cook dinner.
This is a genuinely hard part of working motherhood, although I think all moms have to choose between "getting things done" and "playtime" no matter what their situation. You do have the freedom to make choices, though--dinner can be chicken nuggets and 5-minute chili instead of risotto (and risotto can be made once the kiddos go to sleep, as well).
Being a working mom is hard. So is being a stay at home mom. So is working part time. Believe, there are times when I hate my situation (being stuck in traffic through pouring rain on the turnpike comes to mind) but overall, I feel very fortunate to live a life that enriches the various parts of me--the wife, the mother, the lawyer, the activist, and even, pccasionally, the housekeeper:)
So to all the moms out there, pregnant or on leave and terrified of going back to work---trust me, it's not all that bad.
And to all moms out there, no matter what your arrangement is--may we all have the wisdom to make the choices that are best for us and our families, and to be happy, joyful, and focused on the good no matter life we're leading.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Five on Friday!
Welcome back to another edition of Five on Friday! If you know me, you know I'm a big fan of the little things in life. With these posts, I try to introduce you to some fun new things I'm enjoying lately!
Linking up here, here, here and here-- check out the link-up!
Whoopie pies. They are funny to say, but delicious to eat:) I tend to cheat with store-bought frosting--I'll take anything that speeds up the process but still leaves me with something yummy to eat!
I used this recipe for the cookies above (again, with storebought frosting).
I know, I know, you've probably already seen this a hundred times. But in the small chance you haven't, GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW. Seriously.
It's been a long time since I've been head over heels in a love with a scrapbooking product line--but My Mind's Eye Market Street is just SO so me right now. Love.
This Bath & Body Works Sparkling Limoncello lotion is on my desk right now, and it's wonderful for very dry skin. It goes on and off the website, but there's a lotion/soap package available here.
I'm a big fan of reading, and one of my favorite genres is the cozy mystery series. Rhys Bowen has a fantastic series about an Irish woman living in turn-of-the-century New York named Molly Murphy. This particular book is late in the series, but was one of my favorites. Try it--you'll be hooked!
So these are five things I'm enjoying this week! What little thing is on YOUR mind today?
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Life Lately...
The past few weeks have been AB.SO.LUTE.LY. crazy.
First, there was Passover:
Both kids were sick, and Ellie had a phase where she refused to go to sleep and screamed until 2:00 AM for a few nights, so add that in with Passover cleaning, and it was.....nutty to say the least:) But we survived, we enjoyed the seders and time with family, and we're enjoying normal life again.
So as of right now, here's what's going on Casa de Starr!
This girl...
First, there was Passover:
Both kids were sick, and Ellie had a phase where she refused to go to sleep and screamed until 2:00 AM for a few nights, so add that in with Passover cleaning, and it was.....nutty to say the least:) But we survived, we enjoyed the seders and time with family, and we're enjoying normal life again.
So as of right now, here's what's going on Casa de Starr!
This girl...
- Has a lot to say. About everything.
- Wants to do everything "by myself"
- Loves to laugh and make jokes
- Really likes singing--yesterday she was alternating between Let It Go and Dayenu
This boy...
- Is getting huge--both literally and figuratively. He is in size 3 diapers at 4 months old!
- Is super smiley and engaging
- Rolls from front to back AND back to front
- Eats his hands when he's hungry:)
This lady...
- Is so so SO glad to be settling back into a routine with no sick kids (knock on wood, pooh pooh pooh)
- Has been in a bit of a rut lately but is working hard to keep her head up and wait it out
- Is really in the mood for scones. Every week.
- Is loving how entertaining her kids are these days
This man...
- Is feeling really, really happy at work
- Has finally decided what he wants for his birthday--which was in August
- Is the true love of his toddler, who waits for him by the dining room window everyday
So that's a bit of our life lately. How would YOU describe yourself today?
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