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Friday, March 28, 2014

Five on Friday

Welcome to today's edition of Five on Friday! When I get a chance, I love linking up here and noting five fun things going on lately!  I find this link-up to be a great place to share the little things in life:)

I have fallen head over heels with the mason jar candles at Bath & Body Works. The classic scents, the perfect size, and THEY ARE MASON JARS. Awesome!

(And, in doing "research" for this post, I discovered there are some new flavors. Dangerous!)

This recipe by the fabulous Melanie Makes is fantastic. As soon as I saw it, I knew I'd need to try it, because easy + cute is always a win in my book! And they were unbelievably delicious! In fact, I'm making them again this Shabbos!

Here they are fresh out of the oven on my first try (I used chocolate and butterscotch chips):

I heard about this new ice cream style from Kelly Purkey's blog--it's two flavors of ice cream with a topping in the middle! I immediately ran out to try it, and it did not disappoint! It's like a sundae with a pint. As someone who doesn't even usually go for ice cream, I'm in love.

This creamer. 'Nuff said.

This post by the awesome Molly Stillman. Budgeting is still something I'm learning to do, and this post is super helpful for anyone wanting to get started.

So tell me, what are YOU loving on this Friday?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Reasons my Toddler is Throwing a Tantrum

Have you ever seen the site Reasons my son is crying?  It's pretty funny. If you've ever spent time with a toddler, you know that their moods can be...mercurial. Luckily, as stressful as it is, it can also be very entertaining:)

I love remembering the little bits and pieces of each stage, especially this one--as hectic as it is, I love toddlerhood!

So without further ado, I give you Reasons my Kid Threw a Tantrum This Week:

1. She wanted a lollipop. [I said no.]

2. [Twenty seconds later...] She still wanted a lollipop.

3. She wanted a bottle of rum that someone had delivered to us on Purim (Purim recap coming soon!). Yes, RUM.

4. She wanted peanut butter on her crackers that already had peanut butter sandwiched between them. When I tried to show her the existing peanut butter, she cried.

5. She wanted to wear her brother's size 2 diapers.

6. I gave her chocolate milk in the wrong color cup. (Obviously a rookie mistake--CLEARLY if you're dining with a pint sized companion, it's only polite to inquire what hued cup they would appreciate.)

And that's it for this week....but hey, it's only Wednesday!

What funny things have happened to YOU this week?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

On Hosting

In Jewish communities, we do a lot of hosting. We host family, friends, and neighbors. We invite new families looking to integrate into the communtiy. We host friends who have had a hard week and need a break. We invite people who don't fit in perfectly.  In Judaism, it's a mitzvah (commandment) to welcome guests, especially those who need a place.

As a mom of two little ones who works outside the home, I've thought a lot about finding my groove with this mitzvah. On one hand, my own family keeps me busy enough that I could easily stop there. On the other hand, I have always wanted to have an open home, full of guests, and I can't give up on that so easily.

My solution? (Trying) to balance. I don't host every week, but I host. When someone offers to contribute something to the meal, I enthusiastically accept. I cook food that I like to prepare and eat, and try to accept that there's no way to please everyone.

Most of all, I try to remember that quote above. Just recently, I hosted a friend who lives in a home much bigger and fancier than mine, and I was nervous to have her over. But I told myself--I'm happy with what I have, which is what matters, and I'm sure my friend would rather be invited over than not!  And of course, it turned out just fine--wonderful, even.

Do YOU ever get nervous having guests over? How do you handle it?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Life Right Now

Life right now is sometimes slow and sweet, and sometimes (often) overwhelming.  Hence the unplanned blog break:)

Ellie is now two years old, and due to some over-emphasizing of her birthday on my part, she now thinks that her birthday comes every Sunday. But at the very least she doesn't get too upset when there aren't gifts and a whole party waiting for her!

At two, she has a whole lot of personality. "Mommy, sit down!" "Read to!" "No share!" and "Mommy, lollipop? Mommy lollipop PEASE?" are heard throughout the day.

She keeps me busy but oh, how I love her.

Here she is at the Purim carnival this past week. Lots and lots of personality:)

Moshe is now two months and starting to smile, look around and coo. I love seeing his personality emerge. I miss him during the day at work and love catching up on snuggles in the evening.

As for me, I've been doing the usual tightrope-balancing-act of trying to take care of two little people, work, and still have time to dream.

I took some time a few weeks ago to drink an iced Caramel Flan Latte and read a book that made me think.

And I've been doing a ton of cooking. Hello, grilled steak (thanks to the hubs) and cinnamon roll cookies!

And that's a little peek into our life right now:)

What has the best thing YOU've seen, read or eaten lately?