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Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This month of Jewish holidays always feels like life on steroids--you rush, rush, rush to get everything ready and do your normal routine during half the week, then relax and enjoy the holiday. With so much going and doing, I'm afraid blogging has fallen by the wayside!

Right before Rosh Hashana, Ellie started the toddler room at daycare.

This has been a hard adjustment for her, with a LOT of crying and arms-reaching-out at dropff. Which makes me feel sad and guilty for putting her through it. But I'm hoping time will do the trick and she'll be more comfortable in her new environment.

We flew to Ohio for Rosh Hashana, where E enjoyed Starbucks runs,

ice cream runs,

and lots of bonding with her aunts and uncles.

When we returned from our holiday vacation, we found this in our suitcase:

Since, then, we've been celebrating six months,

taking a 1 hour glucose test (boo!)

and going on various coffee and Dunkin Donuts dates with the little.

Life? It's moving quickly, but it's really good. This Wednesday night begins Sukkot, where we'll be eating our meals in a hut outside (photo coming soon!) and spending lots of time with family and friends. Yippee!

Tell me, what is YOUR favorite holiday?

Mention Sukkos


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I love hearing your thoughts:)