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Sunday, December 2, 2012


Well, it happened.

After about five or so years of dithering, I finally decided to get an iphone! Granted, it was a birthday gift (in August) and I finally got it in November, but who's counting?


Here's a photo of my beauty:

Going from a phone with no Internet to a phone that can automatically figure out where I am and tell me the weather? Pretty much awesome. I love having a camera in my phone that actually works decently, and the Instagram filters are too fun!  If you want to follow me and see a variety of baby/selfie shots, I'm keshetstarr.

Since I got the phone, I've been taking a fair amount of selfies:

And shots of pretty things around the house, like these new sparkly shirts.

Ellie's been getting in a few of the photos, too:)

I love watching her "getting in trouble" face recorded:

And her "I'm so happy I could sing" face

And that's just a smattering of what we've been up to.

If you want to follow me and see a variety of baby/selfie shots, I'm keshetstarr.  :)

Do YOU insta-gram?


  1. Congrats on the new phone! You will love it. It can be disturbing how addictive it is, but it is also life changing in a good way. (Not sure if all Ricola's are kosher while coughing in the store? Type, type, type. Answer.)

  2. So funny I should visit you today with your post..as I just got an iPhone too !! :)
    I just hope its not wasted technology on me, lol.
    My daughter signed me up to instagram...not sure if I even have any photos on there, lol.
    I wrote a post on getting my phone as well ;)

  3. I am on Instagram! My username is elletheheiress. I've been meaning to ask you this on the SC forums, but is Starr part of your name? It's actually my middle name - double R and everything! My first daughter has the same middle name, too.

  4. Oh once you start instagramming you will never go back. I love it! I am clairetomonaga on there and I fear most of my photos are of my 2 year old!

  5. Oh you will love your iphone. Instagram is my favorite. Although I am not brave enough to take self portraits. Your daughter is adorable!

  6. I'm a huge Instagram fan-I get all of my prints from Postal Pix, another app. They do a great job and are super fast. You will love your iPhone-I got my 1st one about 3 years ago and I can't live without one. :)

  7. uh oh i see an obsession starting to happen here! enjoy. she's K"H adorable.

  8. Woo! Aren't iPhones so fun! I just got one last year after having the most awful droid smart phone and it was like a whole new world was open to me. Haha. Have fun with your phone!


  9. cool, please guidance so that I can create a blog like yours


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