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Friday, May 25, 2012

This girl....

is melting my heart today.

It's 11:45 pm, I'm tired right down to my finger-bones (is there such a thing?), her daddy's working late, and I'm trying to decide my theory on the "crying it out" method within the next four minutes. But I turn to this photograph and think, ohhh.  My sweet, sweet girl.  I think of how she read books with me this afternoon, how she looked up at me with such a funny expression during tummy time, and the mischievous smile on her face when I took her out of bed earlier this evening.

Life with her is a whirlwind, and it pretty much was from the moment she was on the scene--in utero. She has always surprised me, changed the game on me, and forced me to handle more than I thought I could. But oh, she makes the ride so sweet.

What's on YOUR "sweet things" list today?


  1. How cute is she!!! Love the hair bow. Where's it from?

  2. That is the cutest pic ever!

  3. She is absolutely precious!

  4. She is adorable. And you made me smile with your deciding CIO in the next four minutes!! ;) How did it go? I never made it past five minutes with my kids. Ever. They turned out okay. ;)

  5. There is such thing as tired-beyond-your-finger-bones. At least in my house there has been a few days like I would describe that way. Hang in there! She's a cutie!

  6. Zoe has been saying "Aww Shucks," whenever I tell her I love her or say something sweet - I love it.

  7. You know I can totally relate to the sleep issues. Davis has been in quite a rough sleeping patch lately. I can not bring myself to let him cry it out yet, so I'm just trying to tough it out. I hope your gorgeous girl starts sleeping better soon, and yes, she is the most gorgeous girl EVER!!

    You won the Bazzill giveaway on my blog, so shoot me an email with your mailing addy and I'll get it out to you!

  8. Awww..I remember those days...during them it seemed so hard and that making that CIO decision was going to possibly ruin them no matter what I decided...but in the end...we got through it, and the second and third time I had it all figured out, lol. And none of them remember that time anyway. It's always way harder on us. A great book that helped us out was "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child"...sending lots of :::::::::sleep dust::::::: your way!!

  9. THis post is totally on my sweet list! LOVE that picture:)


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