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Thursday, May 3, 2012

These days....

These days, life is busy. A little too nutty for my tastes, but I hope it'll calm down soon.

These days, we've been missing a hubby/daddy who's been working late

And passing the time having fun on Photobooth:)

This one has been just as cute as ever...

(a little blurry, but what can I say? I love the baby grins. And boo the bad light ALL WEEK this week that prevents me from taking decent photos!)

...and she's starting to look around all the time. She actually watches and plays with the toys in her playyard now, which is crazy!

These days, truthfully I'm having a challenging time balancing mommyhood/work/marriage/life. I'm getting the sense that sometimes that balance plays out smoothly, and sometimes, it just doesn't. But in the interest of focusing on the positive, I really have been enjoying going to work, seeing my co-workers and doing what I do. And taking some Project Life shots in the bathroom:)

And when I'm not at work, I love having free days to hit the town with this little lady:

These days, life has been one heck of a balancing act, but I'm so happy to have so many wonderful things to balance. And so so so very happy that Shabbos is less than 24 hours away.

Tell me, what is YOUR best and worst thing these days?  How do YOU balance your commitments?

Check back soon for my Write Click Scrapbook project for May!


  1. What a little doll!!
    And you just look so happy :)

    It is definitely a challenge to balance it all I think. And you are right. Some moments are smoother than others, and I feel like I am doing everything right. Other times, not so much. Right now I feel a little off balance, but what helps for me is prioritizing!
    And little post it notes all over my house with reminders :)

  2. She is such a lil cutie!!!

  3. you all are just too cute!!!

  4. You two are so cute together!
    And I love the necklace you are wearing in your selfie. ;)

  5. She is precious Keshet!! The balance is definitely hard and does normally work out, just difficult in the process.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I love hearing your thoughts:)