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Friday, April 27, 2012

A Friday layout for ya...

This has been on heck of a week--S has been working late, which hasn't been leaving a whole lot of time for eating dinner, let alone scrapbooking or blogging. I'm even almost 3 weeks behind in Project Life, which stresses me out, even though I promised myself I wouldn't let this project stress me out! Ack.  

But I did find a few extra minutes to share  a layout I created a few months ago about Summer CHA. Hard to believe we're almost at another summer CHA!

Here's a close-up:

And the whole enchilada:

And now, I'm off.....for a Shabbos spent snuggling my munchkin, actually eating dinner with my husband, and (hopefully) finishing my book!  Speaking of which, I'm thinking about doing a post explaining what exactly we do all day on Shabbos--any interest in that?

What are YOU wishing you had time for today?


  1. This is an adorable layout!

  2. Cute layout!! Hope you had a wonderful and full day!!!

  3. Scrapping... We're still "moving in".

  4. Love this layout :) - I had a wonderful day so can't complain but would have been even better with the addition of a nap - mama's tired ;)

  5. I opened up this post and saw myself starring back at me! So fun to have met you there and hung out with you for a bit--though it was too brief! Can't believe you have been pregnant and had a baby since then. Life moves fast! Cute page too!

  6. Love this! Pinning it to my "easy pages with 4x6 photos" board. So simple and pretty.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I love hearing your thoughts:)