Today I have an older layout to share with y'all. I created this layout back in May (I wish I had the exact date). This was one of the lowest points for me in my infertility experience--after an awful disappointment in the previous cycle, I was trying a treatment plan one last time before moving on to the "big guns." I was scared, and frustrated, and to be honest, angry.
One day during that month I felt peaceful. I felt suddenly sure that G-d was with me, that things would work out in the end, and that He would give me the strength I needed to get to that point. I created this layout on that day, to keep my spirits up when my sense of security faded. I used happy colors (my favorite Studio Calico kit of all time, Lawn Party), and created this layout, which may not win any design awards, but which I will always love. The gray background felt calming to me, exactly how I wanted the layout to feel.

I wrote journaling that meant something to me, and creating the layout just made me happy.

I had no idea that this was the month I would get pregnant. I would not find out the news until several weeks later in June, but it was in May of 2011 that my miracle finally came.
Months later, I decided the layout deserved a repeat. I used the same title, and put together a design that made me happy.
Don't be afraid to scrapbook the sad stuff--because one day, when things turn around, it will always remind you of how lucky you are, and how quickly life can change for the better.
One of the hardest aspects of infertility is how isolating it can be. According to Resolve (a great IF resource, by the way), 1 out of 8 couples in the world experience infertility. Yet it still feels so lonely.
I know that many of you have been down this road, and still more of you are waiting for your day to come. If you have an infertility story you feel comfortable sharing, please leave it in a comment or link me up to your blog (I will post links in a future post). You'd be surprised how much sharing YOUR story can help others.
Wishing you a happy Sunday, everyone, with lots of dreams come true.
A note on the giveaway--we have a new winner for Box #2! It is.......Tiffany Davis! Shoot me an email and I will get your package out to you:)
Tiffany DavisJan 21, 2012 06:36 PM
Yay! I've followed your blog for almost a year now. :)