I'm linking up with Stephanie today for her Blog Your Heart challenge! If you joined in, too, let me know--I love reading honest posts on blogs.
1. Life has been hard to juggle lately. Between work, weekly monitoring appointments for bunny, catching up on scrapbook assignments after the holidays, emails, etc, sometimes I feel like I have to schedule in breathing. I would joke about scheduling in washing my hair, but I actually do that:)
2. And then, just when life seemed to calm down a teensy bit over the weekend, a new whammy today--my first ever traffic ticket. And unlike bunny's future firsts, I do not plan on keeping the stub and scrapbooking it. This is one memory best left forgotten, I think. Unless there was some meaningful lesson to be learned from it, which there probably is, but I'm way to close to see it. Right now, all's I know is that cops in New Jersey are A LOT less friendly then they were in Ohio. Seriously people.
3. Bunny isn't even here yet, and Mommy guilt has already set in big time. Definitely going to need to work on that, or it will be a long 18 years (or more).
4. I talk about this a lot on these posts, but it really can be hard to find passion in the everyday. I love my regular routine and have been settling in to a good one at work. But still, sometimes it seems the day goes by so fast with so many mundane things to attend to, and I want to grab on to it more (with the exception of this traffic ticket day--I can let go of this one!)
5. I cannot BELIEVE that in only 3 months, we'll entering the "any day now" stage of this pregnancy. Which probably means I should stop buying materntiy clothes, but that's besides the point! A part of me is so unbelievably excited to meet this little baby, but a part of me is also strangely sad to be almost past this stage of excitement and anticipation. Life just moves so, so quickly.
And there's my brain dump for today:) What's going on in YOUR world this afternoon?