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Friday, July 15, 2011

A layout and a giveaway!

Hi bloggy friends! I'm popping in from the most. stressful. friday. of. all. time. Let's just say I decided to forgo my weekly trip to Dunkin Donuts (where I indulge in a French Vanilla latte and bring home some treats to share with S) because it would be too stressful. Clearly, things are not good.

To take my mind off that to-do list, here's a layout I created a few months back for a Write. Click. Scrapbook post:

The photos here are from the first day of our Disney trip, when we went to the Magic Kingdom. I wanted to echo the sheer excitement and fun we felt on that day.

Can you spy the stamps on this one? They're one of my absolute favorite Studio Calico sets!

And while we're at it, as much as I love to scrap my married adventures, I'm so glad I have albums upon albums full of my goings-on as a single gal. Whether you're currently or formerly single (hopefully we all fall in one of those categories!) this Ella ebook would be absolutely perfect for you.

Would you like to win a copy? If so, please leave a comment below telling me a fun memory from YOUR single years! (I will choose a winner next Friday)

Wishing you all a happy, stress-free weekend with lots of summer fun:)


  1. I spent a month in Japan before I hit University. It was a great trip! Thanks for the chance!

  2. I am sorry your day was such a drag and I wish you the best weekend. The fun times rollerblading on the beach, these are some of my fun single life memories... I have never scrapped this period in my life so this book would be a perfect way to start! Thanks for the chance!

  3. Have that hubby of yours give you a foot massage! Sorry you're stressed, hopefully something good will happen this weekend!

  4. And forgot to mention that my favorite single memory is having a consistently clean house. =)

  5. No longer single either, but sure do have great photos from those days that need to be scrapped. One of the most eventful times would be a train ride some friends and I took to the Rockies. We had no plans or reservations but everything worked out perfectly.

    Hope your weekend gets better soon!

  6. Beautiful layout....single years were a while ago..lol. No need to enter me in the contest. I've already won one of your fabulous giveaways, and can't be greedy. :)

  7. Sorry you're having that kind of week. Hope the weekend is better! Is it cheating to say my favorite memory from my single-dom is that year when I lived in London :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. Back in college, my best friend Rachel had a BMW convertible, and we could often pick sunny days to drive to the next city over to shop and go out for dinner. It was so nice to get away for a couple hours and hang out with Rachel. :)

  9. Hmm...well, I'm still single, can I enter the contest? :D My favorite memories include being able to stay up as late as I want to read a book or work on a crafty project.

  10. Oh yes I see those cute stamps :) Hope your day improved and have a great weekend!

  11. Some of my favorite single memories are my girl days with close friends. Mani/pedis, craft talk, a movie and coffee ....love it and love scrapping it ;)

    Xo. Kari

  12. I'm still single ;) so being able to get up and go at the drop of a hat is wonderful!

  13. I'm still single, though attached. I miss being able to anywhere without having to answer to anyone!

  14. Hope your week gets better :) It's been awhile since I was single but I really had fun living in apt with my cousin while we were at nursing school. Fun times! Love your layout too :)

  15. I'm now a wife and mom to 2. When I was single I did two years of National Service in Israel teaching underprivileged children in the Galilee in Israel. They were so happy and eager to learn and we tried, besides teaching them, to male the school year full of fun with extra curricular activities and special events. I shared an apartment with 6 girls and all together we had lots of fun! those two years were lots of fun!
    Shavua Tov and hope you have a fun and brighter week!

  16. A fun memory from my single years? Being able to do whatever I wanted-reading, shopping, relaxing...without having anyone interrupt me! My time (like everyone else's) is so limited now w/kids, a husband and work! Despite all the complaining about not having enough "me" time, I wouldn't change it for a thing! Hope your weekend is getting better!

  17. What a great layout! You guys do look so happy and excited! And I love the cloud stamps! I have a friend who this book would be perfect for... lets think a happy memory from single life... well we'll keep it clean. I remember leaving work on Friday afternoons and when asked if I had any weekend plans I could say, "I'm going to do whatever I want, whenever I want!" Not the case any more, but definitely no regrets!!!

  18. Great LO! Hope you have a less stressful week:)

  19. Great layout! hmm. I am newly "single" again...and hung over. Does that count?

  20. What a neat book! 18 years and 3 kids later I look back fondly on those single days. My favorite memories are from going out dancing. I would dance all night and we always had so much fun. Good times!

  21. oh! this is so fun! i love those photos..totally catches the excitement!


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