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Monday, March 7, 2011


As some of you may know, I am currently in the middle of a massive (and slightly stressful) scraproom reorganization.

I'll show you the finished product shortly (ie, when I dig my way out of the piles around the room) but in the meantime, I have a VERY large pile of items to be given away.

Here's a little peek:

There's a mix of older and newer product in here, including many items I happened to have doubles of.

And a peek at some of the paper.....

There are also exclusive items in here from Scarlet Lime and Studio Calico (paper and most likely some stamps).

I am going to pick TWO winners by Monday, March 14.

TO ENTER, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW. If you ARE A FOLLOWER, just let me know. If you are NOT a follower, please become one or leave your email so I can get in touch with you.

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. I would love to enter - sc user: tgookstetter

  2. I did sign up to follow your blog! and the giveaway box looks really fab!

  3. Looks like a fun giveaway! I'm a follower!

    karenskapin at yahoo dot com

  4. I am a follower ;) Fun giveaway K! Can't wait to hear about the happy new space!

  5. Your giveaway pile looks much more exciting than my giveaway pile!

  6. Good Luck with the rest of your organizing. I know it can be quite daunting at times!

  7. I am a follower. 8 ) Great giveaway! 8 )

  8. I follow. Can;t wait to see pics.

  9. awesome giveaway, Keshet! As they say, one person's trash is another person's treasure =) I'm now a follower!

  10. Wow! What a pile!! Good luck with your organizing. My email is dkgcnelson at embarqmail dot com. I have your blog added to my google reader but couldn't find the button to follow? My eyes might just be tired! :)

  11. what an awesome giveaway! I just signed up to be a follower!

  12. What a fun giveaway! I spy some Glitz goodies so I am all over that! And GL with the reorganization =)
    P.S. I am a follower now!

  13. now that is an amazing giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance!!!

  14. I'm a follower!!! Woot! :0)
    Thanks for the chance.
    {I'll be away from my computer until after the 17th-just incase I'm the lucky duck! Ha!}

  15. hey! i'm a follower too! good luck with the reorganization. i am in the midst of one too!

  16. great giveaway Keshet!! Good for you for organizing - I need to do it! Maybe after I win some goodies (haha)! I already follow you!

  17. I became a follower. Before I did that though, I wanted to check out your site. I didn't want to strictly become a follower just because you were giving away something, but because I ALSO liked your blog. So, I started going through the pages. I read your scrapbook page talking about your hearbreak over not having children. I have to tell you, I cried and cried and CRIED for a long time after reading it. I too have been where you are now, and I too know that awful heartache. Your page brought it back to me like a sucker punch. My husband and I lost two babies ourselves, and it was the most horrible thing I have ever been through. I remember the horrible feelings of hurt when a friend would announce that they were pregnant and weren't even trying, or when a co-worker complained to me about being pregnant because she didn't want to be, never wanted to be, and she knew that we had just lost our second child. The endless baby showers and trying to pretend to be happy, when you just want to scream! Oh, my heart aches for you. I hope that one day you CAN look back on your page with your precious baby in your arms, like you stated. Little did I know that I had 4 healthy precious babies in my future: triplets with help of clomid and our "surprise" singleton. I wish you the very very best in life. So, that's why I became a follower of your blog. Big hugs,

  18. What an awesome giveaway! Thank you for being so generous!! I'm now a follower of your blog!

  19. already a follower- thanks for the chance to win! :) also, jealous of your trip to hogwarts...i need to go there soon!

  20. Awesome giveaway Keshet. You know I'm a long time follower of your blog! Good luck with your reorganization.

  21. Amazing Giveaway! Thank you. Good luck with the rest of your organizing I just finished mine and it's so nice when it's done.
    I'm now a follower to your blog, and will be adding it to my google reader. my email is ann.tomaschik @gmail.com

  22. Your giveaway pile looks very attractive :)
    Good luck with the re-organization! Oh, I am already a follower :)

  23. Wow! Now you go girl and clean away, it will look great when your done. What a great Giveaway!....thanks for a chance, lori

  24. WOW! You're giving away some AWESOME looking stuff. I just purged too so I may need some of that stuff. LOL I'm now a follower!

  25. I am new to this type of art....and have very little...
    PLEASE throw my name into the pile!!

  26. Looks like some kewllllll stuff there...pick me please...thanks for the chance to win...

  27. I just wanted to say...congrats on the progress. I am knee deep in weeding through my stuff. This is going to feel awesome when complete, don't you think? LOL

  28. Scrapbook room organization! My favorite! Can't wait to see it when it's done! And I'm all over this giveaway. :)

  29. I love your blog! You've also inspired me to do some cleaning and purging in my scrap room.. I think I'll be able to breathe a lot easier!

  30. Hello and thank you for such an awesome giveaway box. It looks absolutely fabulous. I would be very honored if I were chosen as the winner. I am also a follower. I wasn't until this contest, but have been on your blog before due to Twopeasinabucket. I love what you do and it is always fun to stop in and check out what is happening in your neck of the woods.

  31. I've been reading your blog for quite a long time via google-reader, but just hit the button to follow your blog!
    What a cool giveaway!
    I'd love to win - that is so much, looks like the amount of my actual stash...(;

  32. I'm a follower !!! thanks for the super chance.

  33. keshet, thanks for the giveaway and thanks for the inspiration on your blog ! (i follow your blog)

  34. Hi Keshet,
    My name is Talia and I'm from Israel.
    I've been a follower of your blog ever since I came across it and I love it! Your work is inspiring and I love your layouts!
    Continue scrapping with such enthusiasm and creativity!
    I'd be happy to win your box!
    Chodesh Tov Vesameach!

  35. Can't wait to see the finished scraproom Keshet!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win - I spy some cute SC stamps and other scrappy gorgeousness I would love to have!

    Am following your blog :)

  36. Oh such awesome scrappy goodness! Good luck with the reorganization! I am a follower!!!

  37. Waw, so many lovely goodies!! So sweet of you to give it away <3
    I'm already a follower for several months now.

  38. wow, keshet what a wonderful giveaway! i would love love love to win!

  39. Love to win... i'm a follower and a SC addicted !!!

  40. already a follower.
    Thanks for the chance!!!

  41. Hope your re-organization is going good for you! I'm a follower already and love reading your blog!

  42. I sooooo need to reorganize my stash, too!! Great idea! Spring cleaning a bit early, I love it!!

  43. Such a great giveaway. Hope to get Studio Calico staff. I'm a follower.

  44. Heaven's to Betsy's!! That's a very generous giveaway!! Good luck reorganizing; it's time consuming, and I swear I didn't look at my scrap room for a month afterwards! Well that could be due in part to all of my homework as well :( for shame.

    Well thanks anyways for the giveaway opportunity!! I've never purchased anything from Studio Calico or Scarlet Lime, but I have been eye-ing them from afar -online- for the last year and a half!! Maybe one day I will actually join, but till then it's okay to look right?

    :P Gabi from Savannah, TX

  45. longtime reader, but new follower. Can't wait to see your newly cleaned out scraproom!

  46. What a great giveaway! I would love to help you take some of that wonderful product off your hands!

  47. Wow, what an incredible fun pile of stuff. I would really like to win this!! What a great chance.
    I am a follower.

  48. Good luck reaching the end of your clear out! Know what it's like, I did that last spring & it took me over a week to get everything sorted. I've been a follower for a while, thanks for the chance to win some of your spare goodies xx

  49. How sweet of you! Thanks for the chance to win- I'm a follower already! :)

  50. Wow, what a generous giveaway. I haven't followed your blog, but I'm going to become a follower now. I found you from over on the SC forums. Thanks for an awesome chance to win!

  51. You are so very generous. that is quite a nice stash!

    I'm going to be super sweet, though... heehee...and tell you not to enter me in the drawing, only because I've already won something here, and don't want to be greedy on the rare off-chance that my name be drawn again.

  52. oh goodness-what a giveaway-thanks for the chance to win!

  53. Hi Keshet! What a fun giveaway! And of course - I am a follower!

  54. What a seriously fun giveaway!! I am a follower of your blog :) Good luck on the scrap room re-do!!

  55. Can't wait to see your new scrappy space and all the loveliness you create in said space!

  56. I'm a follower, now !
    Cool Blog - glad I found it !
    Great giveaway, too !

  57. I love surprise giveaways!
    I'm a follower!

  58. As a fellow in-the-middle-of-a-reorg scrapper, I heartily appreciate your supply pile. Very impressive!!!


  59. Good luck with organizing, Keshet! I need to do some cleaning up in my own room. Thanks for the sweet giveaway! I think you know my email, but it's geralynsy(AT)gmail(DOT)com :)

  60. You are so generous ! I wanted to say I'm so touched by your Heart is Broken LO. So much that happens (or not happen) in life is unfathomable. My hardest experience is still unscrapped - about my mom's death.

  61. Leave us some good hints on how to organize scrappy stuff. I read your blog regularly and continue to pray for HaShem to bless you and your husband with healthy children.

  62. What an awesome giveway. I wish I could organize my scrap space , but I have done it so much there is nothing left to do. LOL.
    Good luck with your space.

  63. Comments are closed now:) I will post the giveaway winner shortly!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I love hearing your thoughts:)