Hi bloggy friends! This Sunday finds me sitting cross-legged at my desk, waiting for my camera to charge so I can finish a tutorial (can't move on without photographing the step!) and waiting for my husband to stop working so we can go on our daily activities.
And what are these activities, you ask? First, we have a shiva call. For those of you scratching your heads right about now, shiva is part of the Jewish mourning customs. After someone passes away, their family sits shiva at their home and the community comes to them. Personally, I find these visits awkward. I don't know what to say, and I don't want to say the wrong thing. But, as I was reading just the other week, the point of shiva is not to comfort people, because you can't take away this sort of pain. The point is just to be with people, so they won't be alone in their pain. And so we're going.
On a lighter note, we're planning to follow up with a trip to Michael's. Ostensibly to find items for a project I have in the works, but (not so) secretly to investigate new border punches (Oops--did I say that out loud??)
And since this IS Scrappy Sunday, after all, here's a new layout:

The quote is one of my faves: And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. (Beatles).
And some close-ups (which may look familiar!):

And now on to the GIVEAWAY part!
First of all, many of you commenters were right on the money about my love for the new Ella ebook! I was over the moon when Kelly and Angie asked me to participate, and I'm over the moon (or rainbow, I should say) that it's here! I didn't contribute any writing, but have a layout in there.
So, a personal prizepack from me goes to the very cool (and well dressed--check out her WIWW!) Jodi!
Jodi, shoot me an email at keshet.shenkar@gmail.com and I'll get you sorted.
And now, one of you lucky readers gets a copy of the e-book!

Happy Sunday, friends! What are YOUR plans?