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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Guess What???

I'm a new DT member over at Sketchy Thursdays!!

If you're not familiar with us, Sketchy Thursdays is a challenge blog that gives out a sketch on--you guessed it--Thursday:) If you create a page based on the sketch, and link it to the post, then you're entered to win an awesome prize!! I would love to see what y'all create!

While I have some layouts to show you, my computer is having slight issues (read: giant panic attack, with lots of cryptic red X boxed messages popping up saying "Storage is at a critically low level. Computer about to combust!" or something of the sort. So my photos are all being moved off the hard drive, my stress level is through the roof, and I can't find anything to save my life. Ugh.).

So, in lieu of actual scrapbook pages, I have some photos from our trip to Portland earlier in the summer! Random? Yes, quite. But they're still pretty:)

The gorgeous cabin we stayed in:

Me and S:

As you can see, I'm sporting the uber-cool scarf look here. In Orthodox Judaism, married women generally cover their hair, but to different levels in different ways. I cover all of my hair except the very front using a variety of methods, but mostly wigs (freaky? yes, kind of. But also dastardly--it opens up a whole new world of practical jokes for me. Ha!). On this day, I felt lazy, so I went with cool scarf.

Not that you necessarily even noticed--but I feel like sharing today. I should probably stop now before I say things I shouldn't!

Before I go, if you have any questions for me (you can really ask anything), I'm preparing a question/answer blog post. Hit me up!

How is YOUR week going?


  1. Congrats on the new dt spot! And the new header is so darn cute! :)

  2. Congrats Keshet!! Can't wait to see what you do with those sketches - I'm sure they will be nothing short of fantastic!
    I grew up in Borough Park Brooklyn, which in the early 70's was a mix of Italians and Orthodox Jews. My mom had a hair salon and a huge amount of her work was on wigs for her Orthodox clients. I was fascinated by them and the Orthodox customs. My most fave of all though, was (and I will spell this like it sounds) "Sookus"? The one with the little buildings...I was enchanted by them. I loved growing up there and experiencing the formality and customs - it felt a lot like Catholocism. Ok, way long comment...:)

  3. I'm so, so excited for you! Congratulations! I had no idea that you weren't supposed to show your hair. Can you share a photo where you were wearing a wig, b/c I've never noticed!

  4. Congrats on being on the DT.
    I think you are onto something there. Bad hair day's no more ;)

  5. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos :) congrats on the new dt.

  6. So happy for you, and I plan to participate in some of the Sketchy Thursday rounds. I've never been much of a sketch user, but I think I need to give it a try!

  7. Aw geez...another site to check every week! I'll just have to jump in there and do some sketches. Congrats and I'll be checking to see what you do!

  8. Congrats! I am going to stop by and try to play along when I get a chance. Also, what an amazing vacation spot!

  9. Congrats on the DT spot! I love your new blog header too! : )

  10. Congrats on your DT position, and thanks for commenting on my blog...I chose the same version,for the same reason!

  11. I like your blog! Your banner is uber-cute. I had NO idea orthodox Jewish ladies wore wigs - guess I learn something new every day on blogland! My question would be do you wear them (or something else) only when you're going out or all the time?

    p.s. I'm a big time scrapper - love your pages :)

  12. Popping in to say hi! Congrtas on the Sketchy Thursdays DT!
    looking forward to work with you!
    Love your style!
    Greetz, Jeanet

  13. Congrats on the DT spot-that is awesome!!

  14. Congratulations! And that cabin looks beautiful :)

  15. Congratulations, Keshet! I can't wait to see what you create for Sketchy Thursdays - it's one of my favourite blogs! That cabin is so pretty...it makes me want to get away for a while.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I love hearing your thoughts:)