But when it comes to marriage, even though it's had its ups and downs, it really has fulfilled my dreams. Sharing your life with someone else is a truly wondrous thing, and I feel so lucky to be part of it.
I made this page to record these feelings--I heard the title somewhere, but can't for the life of me remember.
Love & marriage = everything they're cracked up to be.

Which is good, because I foresee spending more time with Granny in the near future:)
This next layout was made during a day when I was feeling really "down" about infertility. I wanted to acknowledge the "hardness" of this moment, since I usually am so determinedly optimistic that I forget to let myself feel it.

As you can see, I wasn't kidding when I professed my undying love for Granny's Cupboard--here it is again! (And quick question: does the photo look blurry to you? I can't tell if it's just my computer....)
Me and the hubster are on an impromptu vacation to Boston and Newport--keep posted for some fun vacation trips soon!
Are you taking any fun vacations now?