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Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Well, we made it to Ohio, and as I hoped it is covered with snow!

Lessons learned from our 10 hour--plus road trip from New Jersey to Columbus, Ohio:

1. Leave the house early. Otherwise, you will spend many hours driving at night, which is both freaky and boring.

2. Plan your route along Starbucks rest stops. This may make you feel like prima donna, but trust me, it's worth it.

3. Forget your usual "only one Starbucks drink a day rule." With ten hours in a car, you gotta focus on the small pleasures. Naturally, this requires adhering to rule # 2, above.

4. Bring more than 3 CDs to listen to. Or if you do, recognize that you will know those CDs very, very well by the end. You may even be able to give a concert of them.

5. Better yet, bring an ipod.

6. Don't tell anyone your estimated time of arrival. That way they won't ask you why you're horribly late, and it will be a nice surprise for everyone!

Wishing everyone a delightful Christmas if you celebrate it and a delightful Chinese food/movie night/vacation if you don't:)


  1. I agree, never too much coffee on trips like that!

  2. these rules would make for a cute layout.

  3. Yep, starbucks is a must-have on any road trip. Love all the snow!!

  4. Wow! Look at all that snow! We have freezing rain. Not a snowflake in sight. Very unusual for our part of the world. Happy Holidays!


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